60+ Creators are joining Champis every week
60+ Creators are joining every week
Get on-demand
Get on-demand
UGC videos
for ads
UGC videos
for ads
Match with our talented creators and get authentic videos optimized for social ads performance. On time, on demand, and starting at just $99/video.
Get on-demand
UGC videos for ads
We are Experts in:
2000+ Happy Clients worldwide
Tired of Seeing your content pipeline empty?
Tired of Seeing your content pipeline empty?
A better way to get
A better way to get
A better way to get
authentic creator
authentic creator
authentic creator
Drive growth, boost engagement, and showcase your product with UGC videos.
Flexible video creation that scales with your needs, no matter your size or industry.
Drive growth, boost engagement, and showcase your product with UGC videos. Flexible video creation that scales with your needs, no matter your size or industry.
Designed to perform
Achieve success with paid social using authentic creator videos designed to get clicks and drive sales on TikTok and Meta.
Designed to perform
Achieve success with paid social using authentic creator videos designed to get clicks and drive sales on TikTok and Meta.
Takes minutes to order
Use our streamlined process and flexible briefs to order in minutes and get exactly what you need, every time.
Takes minutes to order
Use our streamlined process and flexible briefs to order in minutes and get exactly what you need, every time.
Guidance from experts
Get a success manager who will guide you through the process, answer questions, and help you get creatives that deliver results.
Guidance from experts
Get a success manager who will guide you through the process, answer questions, and help you get creatives that deliver results.
On time, on budget
Forget ballooning costs or production delays. Get high-performing videos starting at just $99, with no hidden fees and on-time delivery.
On time, on budget
Forget ballooning costs or production delays. Get high-performing videos starting at just $99, with no hidden fees and on-time delivery.
Creators you can trust
Choose from 5,000+ expert creators across various demographics, styles and niches. Each carefully vetted to ensure consistent quality.
Creators you can trust
Choose from 5,000+ expert creators across various demographics, styles and niches. Each carefully vetted to ensure consistent quality.
Videos for every purpose
Whether you need videos for social ads or want organic UGC content for your feed, get creatives tailor-made for your brand, product, and goals.
Videos for every purpose
Whether you need videos for social ads or want organic UGC content for your feed, get creatives tailor-made for your brand, product, and goals.
Tired of Seeing your content pipeline empty?
How others succed with Champis
How others succed with Champis
How others succed with Champis
ROI increase with
Champis videos
ROI increase with Champis
Supplement brand spikes sales and engagement with Champis
Supplement brand spikes sales and engagement with Champis
Pineapple beefed up customer engagement
resulting in a 10.75% ROI increase through
varied, strategic placement of Billo videos.
Pineapple beefed up customer engagement resulting in a 10.75% ROI increase through varied, strategic placement of Billo videos.
Read story
Read story
Read story
Higher CTR for Champis
video ads on TikTok
Higher CTR of Champis ads on TikTok
Supplement brand spikes sales and engagement with Champis
Supplement brand spikes sales and engagement with Champis
Pineapple beefed up customer engagement
resulting in a 10.75% ROI increase through
varied, strategic placement of Billo videos.
Pineapple beefed up customer engagement resulting in a 10.75% ROI increase through varied, strategic placement of Billo videos.
Read story
Read story
Read story
CPI (Cost per
Install) drop
CPI (Cost per Install) drop
Supplement brand spikes sales and engagement with Champis
Supplement brand spikes sales and engagement with Champis
Pineapple beefed up customer engagement
resulting in a 10.75% ROI increase through
varied, strategic placement of Billo videos.
Pineapple beefed up customer engagement resulting in a 10.75% ROI increase through varied, strategic placement of Billo videos.
Read story
Read story
Read story
Tired of Seeing your content pipeline empty?
Discover authentic faces for any niche
Discover authentic faces for any niche
Discover authentic faces for any niche
5,000+ vetted creators to choose from
Tap into a vast network of US-based creators, hand-picked for exceptional quality. Find your perfect match across a number of demographics, styles, and niches to get your brand noticed on TikTok and Meta.
Average user rating
Age of creators
Why Champis
Why Champis
Why Champis
Here’s how you benefit when you order high-performing Billo videos.
Here’s how you benefit when you order high-performing Billo videos.
Launch ready
Launch ready
Launch ready
One platform, simple process
One platform, simple process
One platform, simple process
Order creator videos in just 4 steps
Decide what you need
Decide what you need
Choose between UGC video ads and organic content, select
the video details, and decide how many videos you want to order.
Choose between UGC video ads and organic content, select the video details, and decide how many videos you want to order.
Choose between UGC video ads and organic content, select the video details, and decide how many videos you want to order.
Create your video brief
Create your video brief
Set the number of video variations, pick a product to promote,
and select your brief structure.
Set the number of video variations, pick a product to promote, and select your brief structure.
Set the number of video variations, pick a product to promote, and select your brief structure.
Match with the right creators
Filter creators by demographics, interests, and styles to find the perfect option for your brand and products.
Create your video brief
Choose from the creators who apply, ship your products if
you want, and wait to receive your videos.
Choose from the creators who apply, ship your products if you want, and wait to receive your videos.
Choose from the creators who apply, ship your products if you want, and wait to receive your videos.
Got a project in mind?
Got a project in mind?
Got a project in mind?
Get in touch today
Get in touch today
Get in touch today
call duration
15-20 minutes